Sometimes life throws you curve balls and you just have to catch them.

After our great weekend away in our new Teardrop Camper trailer we built recently, only 3 weeks later, we have found ourselves in Melbourne for a few weeks doing some work retraining.

It was a huge rush and mammoth effort of building and shopping to get ready for our Melbourne trip.  We worked well together putting in long hours to build a kitchen into our camper and get ourselves sorted.  It’s now become my mobile office so I can keep working.

Just before we left, I was out shooting some more buses and booking weddings. I have three upcoming plus a few more talks at camera clubs so will be travelling some more.

The day after we get back from Melbourne, we will be taking a much needed break overseas with no work, just fun, play, lazing by the pool, eating fabulous food and shooting photos.  Looking forward to it.  Meanwhile a few photos from Melbourne.